Sunday, December 7, 2008

In Cahoots

You know you're a golf nut when you ignore all thunderstorm warnings and hit the course anyway, you don't feel bad turning down all dinner invites to play golf; you play another 9 holes after 18 (just because it's not dark yet).

And you know you're are a happy golf nut when your wife does all the above with you, watches golf dvds with you, read all the Golf Digest you borrowed from the library, and is elated when you managed to set up an improvised launch pad in the backyard to practise pitching and chipping.

Yes, the golf widow concedes.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Anyone There?

Inspired by my boss at work....

Pavlova with strawberry yoghurt and blueberries. :)

And no, they're not home-made. Originally, I wanted to get the recipe from her. Then I found out that she just bought the nests and added toppings! So, I was like, hey, I didn't know you could have such delectable "instant" pavlova? Best of all, they're really low-cal (and gluten-free!). Each of these is only less than 100 calories (including the toppings). Not that I'm counting calories but it's always a plus point when you can have worry-free indulgence like that. :)

Anyway, I thought I'd post this up to entice Joe to come home now. He has time to blog but no time to reply to my emails or take my calls. So, Joe, if you want one of these, you'd better get your butt home soon! :-P

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's NOT Joe.

(Plonks down beside Joe on the sofa)
Shall we go to the supermarket?

(Staring incessantly at the ceiling above)
Is that an insect?

Or should we go later?

(Continues to fixate on the bug)
Can you kill it?

(Squints hard and long at the ceiling)
Kill what?

(Pointing to a black dot on the ceiling)
Kill it. Don't like insects crossing our ceiling like that.

(Still squinting hard trying to find where said insect is)

Oh wait. I think it's just a black dot. It's not an insect.

(Rolls eyes in exasperation)

(Eyes darting back to the ceiling)
It's moving! Did you see it?

(Fed up)
There's nothing there! You're seeing things!

(Focusing really hard on the black dot that isn't there)
Hmm. Maybe it isn't moving.

(Worried look)
OMG. Are you alright? There is no black dot, and even if there is, it can't move! You're hallucinating!

(Jumps up from the couch, catches and crushes something)
You! I knew it's you!

Oh. It's a bug all right.
(Makes mental note to see an optometrist)

So, as much as I'd like to think the hub has gone a bit bonkers, he's actually away at the moment on the Gold Coast after yesterday's weird hangup. I would be so jealous if not for the fact that it's wet and rainy there. Plus, he's on business (boring).

Ya, I know. I haven't exactly been holding up my side of the bargain when it comes to updating this site, but hey, it's Joecities! And most of time, before I had the chance to blog about what I'm up to, there's always snippets of it on Joe's posts - an excuse I always give myself for not posting.

Anyway, I'm good (thanks to those who have been checking in on me - you know who you are!). I'm still alive and kicking. Though it hasn't been an entirely smooth-sailing year for me, I certainly learn a lot (yes, golf included :P).

Speaking of which, it is an addictive sport. The more you play, the more you want to play (even though my scores are so embarrassing I wonder why I bother keeping them). But that's not to say that I haven't improved since I first started. Most notable improvement is when I drove the ball past 20 metres! Haha. Yay for me. :P

Golf aside, there's really nothing much I have been doing these days besides work. Unlike Joe who seems to love every job he's in, I only like mine to the extent it pays the bills. Of course, the colleagues are a plus factor; most of them make my work days a lot more bearable, but work is ... just work.

Oh look! I finally wrote something for 2008. Till my next annual post in 2009! :P