10 more days and our current visas expire. Whether or not our permanant visas arrive by then, we've got to get our butt outta here. So, tomorrow Joe's going to buy us tickets to New Zealand (wheee!) during his lunch time at work. Yes, he's actually going to work. A one month contractual assignment with his now ex-lecturer in some company (don't ask me). This is actually his 2nd project after his graduation. The 1st one was with some government agency to develop a business proposal on the commercialisation of ***(?). Apparently, *** are roaming in Melbourne (allegedly in the city as well!) in numbers more than desired. The funny thing is, we've never spotted a single one! Either we are blind or statistics lie? Anyway, it's great that he has something to work on while he job-hunts. I can't be the sole breadwinner all the time, can I? :P Actually, I haven't been working that much these days (mostly once a week) because truth is, I'm not a fan of my current job but it pays some of our bills so, I'm keeping it. Joe says I should find something else but I guess I'm just afraid to venture out of my comfort zone. Afterall, new job means new skills to learn, new people to meet and new environment to adapt to. Not that I don't need to meet new people at work (most of the time I do) but at least, I don't have to deal with picking up another set of skills or the groping effort to settle in an unfamiliar place. Call me an old dog but I'd rather be a little disgruntled in my own domain than learning new tricks in foreign territory. And anyway, it's only a part time job.
So, like I said, 10 more days to exit the country. What's going to happen to Ginger? Yet to figure that out but she's definitely not going to the previous dog minder, mainly because, she (the dog minder) charged an exorbitant fee of $25 a day the last time we were back in Singapore for almost 2 months and we simply can't afford to burn more holes in our pockets given our "compulsory" trip to NZ. As for kennels, even though it's cheaper, I really can't bear to have her locked up most of the time. I'm very tempted to ask my friends to come over our place and dogsit her again like the last time Joe and I went to the Grampians but I'll be taking advantage of their goodwill (Jean, if you are reading this, no, I'm not intimating). Hmm...the bane of having a dog. Suggestions, anyone? Sell the dog, maybe? :P
***updated: apparently, it's P&C (oops!). For those who have read this post before the update, pretend you hadn't read it, k? :P
So, like I said, 10 more days to exit the country. What's going to happen to Ginger? Yet to figure that out but she's definitely not going to the previous dog minder, mainly because, she (the dog minder) charged an exorbitant fee of $25 a day the last time we were back in Singapore for almost 2 months and we simply can't afford to burn more holes in our pockets given our "compulsory" trip to NZ. As for kennels, even though it's cheaper, I really can't bear to have her locked up most of the time. I'm very tempted to ask my friends to come over our place and dogsit her again like the last time Joe and I went to the Grampians but I'll be taking advantage of their goodwill (Jean, if you are reading this, no, I'm not intimating). Hmm...the bane of having a dog. Suggestions, anyone? Sell the dog, maybe? :P
***updated: apparently, it's P&C (oops!). For those who have read this post before the update, pretend you hadn't read it, k? :P
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