Thursday, February 24, 2005

Weird Dream

I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was in one of my relatives' restaurants when I experienced labour pains. The funny thing is, I don't have any relatives who own restaurants and I am not pregnant. So, anyway, the contractions were excruciating and my grandmother had to ask one of the guys (who happened to be on training there because he's supposed to be taking over that restaurant) to drive me to the hospital. Now, I'm not sure about you but somehow, my dreams have always had a way of planting its own twists without the element of surprise that would inevitably be present in real life. Like when I finally discovered (oops) I was with child after I delivered the baby in the van and I just took it in so, er, naturally ? Ok, not trying to gross you out but I could virtually feel the water bag burst followed by the awkward and sudden expansion of the birth canal. And before I knew it, the little thing was out. My grams (who, of course, wasn't at all surprised that I could give birth suddenly) just advised me not to ask if the baby was a boy or girl (by the way, it's a boy) as it would invite bad luck. So, we just sat there, with half the cord attached to the baby, and the other half still with the placenta inside the womb while the driver, nonchalant to the hooha behind him, journeyed on. Then as quickly and unfathomable as the conception, the scene morphed into one where a nurse (a very evil one) was forcibly pulling the rest of the placenta out of my uterus before I even got off the van ! After that, the absurdity of the dream just took off - from me fainting along the corridors to the baby got swapped with somebody else's to the horror of finding a gigantic mole above the baby's left upper lip to the unexpected appearance of magic that could temporarily hide the hideous spot etc.,. the rest of it is a blur to me now.

And now that I've just bored everyone with the dull happenings of my strange dream (please don't email me your analyses! And yes, I know the bio clock is ticking but I'm just not about to conceive), here's another pic of Ginger to brighten up this post. :)

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